Luna Moth Tenor Ukulele
This is a Koa and Swiss Spruce super tenor ukulele. The new owner wanted something special for the head stock so we ordered up a luna moth by inlay artist Craig Lavin. We’re calling it the Luna Moth Tenor Ukulele.
The Swiss Spruce and Koa combination was by request. The client wanted a one-of-a-kind compression Koa look and I was completely out. I have a great supply of Koa but no back/side sets with compression curl. Compression Koa is usually not the wood of choice of most woodworkers and luthiers. Hearne Hardwoods prefers to purchase the whole Koa log or tree and then processes the wood here. The result is a limited amount of compression curl that is often not seen elsewhere This unusual set caught the eye of the client and we snapped it up.
Other than the blue paua abalone rosette and the Logo no other colors were used on the instrument except for black on the top and white on the sides.
You’ve already heard the back story on the Swiss Spruce so I won’t repeat it again. I started the year making more instruments with traditional tone wood sound boards and they have been very successful and well received. Because this spruce is a lower density wood with all the strength attributes of North American varieties it really resonates with the traditional ukulele tuning and strings.
I think that’s about it. This Luna Moth Tenor Ukulele really flies!