Curly Burly Tenor Ukulele - Sold

Guess I’m not done with the burl thing yet.  Here’s the latest, a  Curly Burly Tenor Ukulele.  This is a standard tenor.

Curly Burly Tenor Ukulele

Full frontal.

It’s All About the Wood

Body:  Asian Camphor Burl.  Now, I built one out of this wood maybe 2012 but wasn’t a big fan at the time.  But seeing as how I couldn’t resist this beautiful wood from my long time friends at Gilmer Hardwoods I thought I had to give it another try.  This burl is very solid but not much on tap tone. It also needs to be a bit thicker than most.   Ah, but don’t knock it yet.  Martin mini zipper backstrip.  This wood will oxidize slightly and become a little richer in color.

Curly Burly Tenor Ukulele

Camphor burl body.

Sound BoardCanadian, bearclaw Sitka Spruce.  With reddish tones to go with the burl.

Curly Burly Tenor Ukulele

Canadian, beaclaw Sitka spruce sound board.

BindingCurly big leaf Maple stained cardinal red.  Looks a bit like venous blood to me?  The color is solid all the way through and the shade is almost a perfect match with the red mallee burl. Just plain ‘ol black/white fiber purfling.

Fret Board, bridge and headstock faceRed Mallee Burl.  I got this beautiful wood from Secret Stash Hardwoods.  Shhh, it’s a secret. It looks a bit like molten lava. Just wowzers!  Stabilized with acrylic.  The neck is not radiused and is 7/16″ at the nut.

Curly Burly Tenor Ukulele

Red mallee burl fret board.

NeckCurly big leaf Maple.  Natural.  Goes well with the burl I think.

Curly Burly Tenor Ukulele

Curly maple neck.

Accent Wood:  big leaf Maple Burl.

Curly Burly Tenor Ukulele

Check that mallee burl bridge.

The Rest of the Build

Nut and Saddlebone stained brown.

Curly Burly Tenor Ukulele

Red mallee burl head stock face.

StringsPepe Romero flourocarbon, low “G”.

Fret Markers:  white MOP.

TunersGotoh UPT.

CaseCrossrock ABS.

Curly Burly Tenor Ukulele

Crossrock comfort.


You can never have enough curl and burl.   For all my complaining this turned out okay.  It probably sounds a bit like mango (mid-range) maybe but different because of the spruce top.  You can really feel the vibration of the body against yours–aaargh! that sounds kinda kinky.   Plenty of volume and warmth in this one-of-a-kind Curly Burly Tenor Ukulele.