
Koa And Swiss Custom Ukulele

Koa And Swiss Custom Ukulele - Sold

The latest out the door is this Koa And Swiss Custom Ukulele.  This is the second to last "custom" instrument--maybe.  I am definitely favoring simple looks in my builds at the present.  These instruments are built to be played as much as…
Custom Koa Concert Ukulele

Custom Koa Concert Ukulele - Sold

Post slam!  Here's the next build: a Custom Koa Concert Ukulele. It's All About The Woods Body:  It's a Koa fest (or, death by koa) with top, back and sides of dark, curly, chocolate Koa. Fret Board and Bridge:  More curly Koa. …
Super Tenor Koa Ukulele

Super Tenor Koa Ukulele - Sold

This is the next instrument completed. This is Kev's Super Tenor Koa Ukulele.  Kev is a local ukulele instructor with many years of experience and the author of multiple teaching books. His newly published website is Tiki Nation.   It's…
Crinkle Curl Koa CustomTenor Ukulele

Crinkle Curl Koa Custom Tenor Ukulele - Sold

I really have a problem when it comes to crinkle curl Koa--for me, it's the greatest!  Here's the latest with some of the best yet.  This is the Crinkle Curl Koa Custom Tenor Ukulele. This is a super tenor shape. It's All About The Wood Body: …
Double Puka Koa Ukulele

Double Puka Koa Ukulele - Sold

This is a new Double Puka Koa Ukulele.  This is a standard shape and there is no side port.  The double puka, in my opinion, screams Hawaiian. It's All About The Wood Body:  Figured Koa.  This set was provided by the client.  I wish…
Koa Tenor Ukulele and Bearclaw Spruce

Koa Tenor Ukulele and Bearclaw Spruce - Sold

Here's another Koa Tenor Ukulele and Bearclaw Spruce standard build? It's All About the Wood Body:  Krinkle curl Koa.  Can't go wrong with this look.  This is a standard tenor shape. Sound Board:  Canadian, bearclaw Sitka Spruce. …
Little Brown Gal Concert Ukulele

Little Brown Gal Concert Ukulele - Custom Build-Sold

Here's a project started early on in 2021 and finally finished.  This is the Little Brown Gal Concert Ukulele. The Woods Body:  Hawaiian Curly Koa with minor spalting. Neck:  Croatian Mappa Burl with internal carbon truss rod. Finger…
hawaiian concert cutie ukulele

Hawaiian Concert Cutie Ukulele - Custom Build-Sold

This is the latest out of the shop, a Hawaiian Concert Cutie Ukulele--with an Icelandic flair. The Woods It is build with Koa.  Koa, and more Koa. It's a long neck concert with a Tasmanian Blackwood neck. This blackwood is bit…
koa mix tenor ukulele

Koa Mix Tenor Ukulele - Sold

Here's the first spec instrument of 2021.  This is another of my Koa Mix Tenor Ukulele. When I started serious building I wanted to concentrate on instrument sound and the beauty of the wood, but I also wanted to keep my builds fun and…
koa and pier piling fir ukulele

Koa and Pier Piling Fir Ukulele - Custom Build-Sold

This is #3 in the Pier Piling build--a Koa and Pier Piling Fir Ukulele.  This one is a super tenor shape like #1. I purchased this lovely set of Koa from Notable Woods in the Pacific Northwest maybe 6 years ago.  I know, you're asking,…